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What we do in Lean with ILEA

What we do

We help you design your own production system, which will support your business strategy.
Our expertise is based on several years of practise overlooking the Toyota Production System (TPS) as well as the Toyota Way.

Our Playgrounds

Examples of what we do in Lean Management

Executives Gemba. Provide and deliver trainings to the managers. Design and deploy a lean master´s degree. Create a lean academy for several companies.

Examples of what we do in Lean IT

Transform the IT management of a bank, an insurance company and industrial companies.
Inspire and convert the IT governing structure to Lean-Agile. Create a lean IT academy for the managers.

Examples of what we do in Lean Pharma & Chemicals

Lead production units and factories to operational excellence Improve regulatory compliance level. Design and deploy a global training program for all managers from all sectors and sites.

Examples of what we do in Lean Service

Bring a process, a company to the “Best-In-Class” level. Lead the lean at scale for 5 banking and insurance companies.

Examples of what we do in Lean Manufacturing

Transform a watchmaking factory. Bring excellence down to an international jewelry that offers works to order services. Transform the workshops, units,and the industrial sites at world class manufacturing level.

Examples of what we do in Lean Call center

Bring a shared service center to excellence. Transform SSC´s role to make him the leader of the improvement of the customer experience of the entire company.

Our Services

We have a complete proposition of services for achieving your lean transformation.

ILEA Services in Lean

5S is far more than just a tool for “cleaning the space”. 5S is a significant step in the lean transformation, used properly it is a powerful approach to deeply diffuse the lean culture among the organisation. Discover more about our COURSES: Lean 5S in Office & IT and Lean 5S in Manufacturing-service-IT.

Our Customers

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